Análise comparativa da formação e da tradução da terminologia da fauna e da flora nas línguas portuguesa e italiana


  • Sabrina de Cássia Martins


Parole chiave:

Translation, terminology, denominative variation, fauna and flora, color names


The present study is concerned to the comparative analysis of fauna and flora terminology formation in Portuguese and Italian languages, focalizing the contribution of color names in this process. As lexical components of natural languages, terminologies reflect the world vision of a people. For this reason, cultural differences are frequently represented in the phenomenon of denominative variation. In this way, we examine (as)similarities and linguistic divergencies in categorization and formal representation of the concepts of the area.



Come citare

de Cássia Martins, S. (2018). Análise comparativa da formação e da tradução da terminologia da fauna e da flora nas línguas portuguesa e italiana. Confluenze. Rivista Di Studi Iberoamericani, 10(1), 296–312.