Fare, muoversi, pensare. Gli artefatti come mediatori nella ritualità degli Otomì serrani (Messico)


  • Giulia Cantisani Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México




ritual, artefacts, agency, mediators, technics


This contribution proposes to analyse the ritual artefacts produced among the Otomi of the Eastern Sierra Madre from a relational perspective. Even before being the offerings and supports of invisible entities, in fact, the materials produced during the performances have the function of tying together a heterogeneous collective of agents involved in a shared action on the world. Materiality appears, in this light, as the connecting element, the necessary mediator, so that human and non-human agentivities can realise together the reactivation of life cycles.



How to Cite

Cantisani, G. (2024). Fare, muoversi, pensare. Gli artefatti come mediatori nella ritualità degli Otomì serrani (Messico). Confluenze. Rivista Di Studi Iberoamericani, 16(1), 58–76. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2036-0967/18327