Senderos que confluyen: los dúos autorales, su proceso y el caso Borges-Bioy Casares


  • Lucas Rimoldi CONICET, UFASTA



duo of writers, process, Borges, Bioy Casares, style


The two clue values of writing as a duo are the possibility of developing themes that would be alien to the writers as individuals, and the enjoyment it produces. This way of writing unfolds, redesigns and extends the authorial self. However, its most frequent stumbling block comes from the temptation to become the main author. The ethical aspect is evident in the stages of distribution and conversion of the symbolic capital, as well as the economic and consecration one. Regarding the experience of Borges and Bioy Casares, we will address three aspects: the relational conformation of the duo, the method used and the convergence of styles, and ethics.



How to Cite

Rimoldi, L. (2021). Senderos que confluyen: los dúos autorales, su proceso y el caso Borges-Bioy Casares. Confluenze. Rivista Di Studi Iberoamericani, 13(1), 434–451.