Tra il Marocco e l’Amazzonia brasiliana: memoria, tradizioni e reinvenzione del passato di una città coloniale trasportata oltreoceano


  • Alessia Di Eugenio Università di Bologna



Mazagão, memory of Africa, colonial memory, identity invention


An epic journey blended the history of ancient Mazagão, a Portuguese colony in Morocco, now Al Jadida. In 1769 the inhabitants were forcibly moved to the Amazon to refound the city which today is called Mazagão Velho.Through the reconstruction of the historical deportation and the subsequent formation of the current community, it is possible to analyze the process of reinvention of the colonial past and the shaping of its cultural memory. The recent emergence of traditions and artistic productions - such as represented by the documentary "Mazagão - A porta do mar" - refers to a specific affirmation of identity, inventing a cultural genealogy of the community.



How to Cite

Di Eugenio, A. (2020). Tra il Marocco e l’Amazzonia brasiliana: memoria, tradizioni e reinvenzione del passato di una città coloniale trasportata oltreoceano. Confluenze. Rivista Di Studi Iberoamericani, 12(2), 62–73.