O genocídio da população negra no Brasil contemporâneo e seu agravamento a partir da intervenção federal militar no estado do Rio de Janeiro


  • Mariana Paganote Dornellas Università di Bologna
  • Maria Priscila Santos de Jesus




genocide, racism, lethal police violence, state of exception, necropolitics


Based on the articulation between the idea of an enemy in criminal law and the analysis of the historical importance of racism in the structure of our society, we will analyse how we are facing a real genocide of the black population in Brazil today. Through the analysis of the lethal violence of our punitive system, we will point out how a state of permanent exception allows a high mortality rate of young black men, which we relate to necropolitics. Finally, we will indicate how the federal military intervention in the state of Rio de Janeiro legitimizes the action of the state against those considered "enemies", strengthening authoritarian and violent discourses and practices against the black population.




Como Citar

Paganote Dornellas, M., & Santos de Jesus, M. P. (2018). O genocídio da população negra no Brasil contemporâneo e seu agravamento a partir da intervenção federal militar no estado do Rio de Janeiro. Confluenze. Rivista Di Studi Iberoamericani, 10(2), 210–236. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2036-0967/8913