El pueblo shipibo-konibo de la Amazonía peruana y la negociación política y cultural con la sociedad mestiza: el caso de los concursos de belleza indígena en la ciudad de Pucallpa
Indigenous Politics, Urban Indigenous Communities, Shipibo-Konibo, Ashaninka, AmazoniaResumo
The Shipibo-Konibo people in the Peruvian Amazon region have developed different ways to express their ethnic identity and their political demands while living in large cities like Pucallpa. Some of these forms are described here. More specifically, the article discusses the official indigenous beauty pageant as a site used for cultural and political negotiation between the Shipibo-Konibo people and the mestizo regional society. The comparison with the Ashaninka beauty pageant further enhances the argument about the creative ways in which the Shipibo people negotiate their place within the national society.
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