El derecho humano a una vida libre de violencia para las mujeres indígenas en el marco del pluralismo jurídico. Análisis de sus tensiones en Ecuador
https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2036-0967/8877Parole chiave:
legal pluralism, self-determination, human rights, indigenous women, inter-legality, access to justice, gender violenceAbstract
From a conception of gender violence as a structural phenomenon in Ecuador, I explore the tension that exists between the recognition of legal pluralism and the respect of the human right of indigenous women to a life free of violence. In this line, I study the international instruments that protect the human rights of women and the collective rights of indigenous peoples to understand the way in which they have reproduced the dichotomous discourse between collective and individual rights. I address their impact on the global, national and local levels, which ends up affecting indigenous women in the face of the phenomenon of gender violence and their access to Ecuadorian Justice.
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