Il menù di bordo. Nutrirsi durante il viaggio migratorio


  • Emilia Perassi Università di Bologna


Palabras clave:

Food, literature, migration, Latin America, travel


In migration studies about literature, food usually signals the preservation of a migrant’s identity in his/her new country. Considered as a transitional condition, the very travel of migration itself is instead overlooked and perceived as a non-place. Consequently, also all aspects of migration related to feeding are mostly ignored. In my paper, I will argue that spaces of transit are heterotopic spaces rather than non-places. In these spaces, the lack of food, or its being often a ‘leftover’, is a key fact to understand the representation of the commerce of migrant bodies.



Cómo citar

Perassi, E. (2019). Il menù di bordo. Nutrirsi durante il viaggio migratorio. Confluenze. Rivista Di Studi Iberoamericani, 11(1), 44–55.