La tía Julia y el escribidor: retrato del artista adolescente


  • José Belmonte Serrano
  • Marco Succio


Palabras clave:

Mario Vargas Llosa, aunt Julia, fiction theory, contemporary narrative, autobiographism


There are works that carry in themselves the germ of writing; they can draw, in an almost metaliterary game, the theoretical framework and the poetics of the author. This article aims to analyze the evolution of the narrative writing of Mario Vargas Llosa starting from one of his first novels, Aunt Julia and the writer. Although very successful, it has been unfairly considered as a secondary novel within his vast production. The book, however, contains several autobiographical and theoretical elements which are the key to understand the writing process of the author and the idea of novel of the Peruvian-Hispanic writer.




Cómo citar

Belmonte Serrano, J., & Succio, M. (2019). La tía Julia y el escribidor: retrato del artista adolescente. Confluenze. Rivista Di Studi Iberoamericani, 11(2), 290–300.