Santa Marta la ciudad blanca: memoria y olvido en la configuración espacial de los hitos patrimoniales de la ciudad


  • Wilhelm Londoño


Palabras clave:

colonialism, archaeology, cultural heritage, Caribbean, multiculturalism


This paper aims to understand how heritage is the result of a simultaneous game of memory and oblivion, which carries with it visions of a hierarchical society. For this purpose, the most important heritage sites of Santa Marta, the most ancient city of South America, are analysed. In this city, it’s possible to appreciate the heritage framework that involves the commemoration of two temporalities: Spanish colonialism of XVI century, and republican endocolonialism in the XIX century. In the paper it is analysed how these two historical segments have imposed a sense of identity.




Cómo citar

Londoño, W. (2019). Santa Marta la ciudad blanca: memoria y olvido en la configuración espacial de los hitos patrimoniales de la ciudad. Confluenze. Rivista Di Studi Iberoamericani, 11(2), 34–60.