“El avión había llegado. Era enorme, como un pájaro gigante”. I viaggi di Laila


  • Ilaria Rossini




Migration, physical journey, inward journey, fragmented individual, Afro-Spanish writer, paratextual elements


The article focuses on the migration experience – that is not just a physical journey, but also an inward journey – driving the fragmented individual into the life rebuilding process through the writing experience. We analyse the autobiographical novel Laila by the Afro-Spanish writer Laila Karrouch, which is significant not only for the journeys that follow one another page by page and for the characters attitude, but also because it allows the reader to think about some transformations, that is to say “journeys”, to which the paratextual elements are subjected to.



How to Cite

Rossini, I. (2012). “El avión había llegado. Era enorme, como un pájaro gigante”. I viaggi di Laila. Confluenze. Rivista Di Studi Iberoamericani, 4(1), 177–195. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2036-0967/4390