El diario íntimo del historiador Juan E. O’Leary. Ministro Plenipotenciario del Paraguay en Italia (1936 – 1937)


  • Liliana M. Brezzo CONICET - IDEHESI- NODO IH/Universidad Católica Argentina




Paraguay, intellectuals, Diplomacy, intimate diary, writing of history


This work examines the intimate diary of the Paraguayan historian and diplomat Juan E. O'Leary (1879 – 1969). It focuses on the notebooks he wrote in Rome in 1937 during his stay as plenipotentiary minister and charge d'affaires to the Kingdom of Italy. It intends to contribute to the knowledge about his intellectual and diplomatic trajectory and his influence on the writing of history in Paraguay. He makes observations on the relations between intellectuals and diplomacy in Latin America. 



How to Cite

Brezzo, L. M. (2024). El diario íntimo del historiador Juan E. O’Leary. Ministro Plenipotenciario del Paraguay en Italia (1936 – 1937). Confluenze. Rivista Di Studi Iberoamericani, 16(1), 169–189. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2036-0967/16515