Del narco a la víctima: la nueva narrativa hegemónica del conflicto armado en Colombia a través del cómic de no ficción
Non-fiction comics, narrative, Colombia, victim, testimonyAbstract
In Colombia, during the so-called "post-conflict", and under the Law 1448, which seeks to repair the pain of the victims of the armed conflict, several non-fiction comics sponsored by the State have been published, in order to reconstruct the memory of displaced communities. From a critical perspective of the narratives and hegemonic regimes, this article analyses the fetishization of pain, the narrative of the victim, and the relationship between power and production of truth in La Palizúa and Sin mascar palabra, two of the non-fiction comics published in this context.Downloads
How to Cite
Rodríguez-Blanco, S., & Andrade, L. (2020). Del narco a la víctima: la nueva narrativa hegemónica del conflicto armado en Colombia a través del cómic de no ficción. Confluenze. Rivista Di Studi Iberoamericani, 12(1), 119–147.
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