Intelectuais conservadores e autoritarismo: a construção da memória dos heróis da Nação e a simbologia do patriotismo na Revista da Academia Brasileira de Letras (ABL) durante a ditadura militar brasileira
DOI: chiave:
Military regime, Brazilian Academy of Letters, Conservative Intellectuals, Civic Culture, PatriotismAbstract
This article presents the result of a research on the Brazilian Academy of Letters (ABL) during the military dictatorship. It aims to analyse to what extent this supposedly apolitical institution served as an instance of legitimation for the regime. The article examines the way the “immortals” sought to build a memory of the “heroes of the Nation”. In doing so, they extolled important values to the regime as civility and patriotism. The option for this perspective allowed to restore the complexity and ambiguity of the relations between the ABL and the regime established in Brazil in 1964.
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