El debate sobre el fascismo latinoamericano. Nociones marxistas para explicar las dictaduras
https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2036-0967/8881Parole chiave:
fascism, dictatorship, Marxism, democracy, Latin AmericaAbstract
During the Seventies, several authors resorted to Marxist topics to explain the dictatorships dominating in Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay. Some of those authors dismissed a singular type of Latin America Fascism, others identified a dependent Fascism. The political and theoretical discussion focused on the class support to these dictatorships and their composition as well as on the "anti-communism" side of dictatorships, rather than on the "anti-democratism", even though the last was verifiable both in the region and in the European experiences, and there were the conditions for adjusting the debate with the ideological terms it was pursuing.
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