Família é afetos: 'a opção sexual é coisa dele'. Discursos de filhos com pais não heteros
https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2036-0967/6277Parole chiave:
affection, families from Recife, no heterosexuality, parenthoodAbstract
This qualitative study makes a contribution to the interdisciplinary field of study about childhood and family and adopts a socio-anthropological approach. Analyzing the content of 8 interviews/conversations, we have elicited the meaning of family from four children whose parents name themselves as not heterosexual, all of them living in the metropolitan region of Recife-PE- Brazil. We have identified the construction and constitution of a familiar context and we have analyzed some elements that characterize the relationship between children and parents. Family is primarily defined by children as a social construction, based on affection, without considering the sexual identity of those who develop the parenthood.
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Copyright (c) 2016 Danielle M. de S. Sátiro, Angel Espina B. Barrio
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