Retos y Encrujadas del estado en Bolivia, entre la naturaleza estatal y lo plurinacional


  • Nidia Catherine González UNIVERSIDAD DE LA SALLE


Parole chiave:

state, nation, Bolivia, institutionalization, plurinacional


The recent mobilization processes in Bolivia transformed radically the political system until to create e New Constitution (2009) and accordingly an Unitary Social law State, plurinational and communitarian ("Estado Unitario Social de Derecho Plurinacional Comunitario"). What occurred in Bolivia could be similarly to a moment in which the nation creates the state, therefore this country originally with only one nation become to be auto recognized as a territory of many nations, the "naciones originarias". This article analyze the challenges and crossroads of the Bolivian State in order to guarantied the establishment of a plurinacional nation, democratic, productive, pacific, committed with the integral development and autonomy of their people



Come citare

González, N. C. (2013). Retos y Encrujadas del estado en Bolivia, entre la naturaleza estatal y lo plurinacional. Confluenze. Rivista Di Studi Iberoamericani, 5(2), 107–118.