Las cosechas de la violencia en Centroamérica: una reflexión a forma de epílogo


  • Tatiana Paz Lemus Universidad Maya Kaqchikel / Vanderbilt University


Parole chiave:

Central America, Violence, Guatemala, Indigenous population


This article discusses current expressions violence in Central America based on the foundational book “Harvest of Violence in Guatemala” edited by Robert M. Carmack in 1988, and the panel “Central America beyond post-conflict: making and unmaking contemporaneity” presented at the Europan Association of Social Anthropology in July of 2024. Placing both compilations of ethnographic work side by side, allows us to observe the violence continuum in the region and reflect on what the anthropological work can provide to a regional understanding of post-conflict societies.



Come citare

Paz Lemus, T. (2024). Las cosechas de la violencia en Centroamérica: una reflexión a forma de epílogo. Confluenze. Rivista Di Studi Iberoamericani, 16(2), 130–136.